I'm in the process of debugging a PCB I made. On this board, a 24V input feeds through a DC/DC buck circuit (based around the TI TPS54202DDC) to output 11V, then an LDO to output 9V (to ensure a very stable 9V, I didn't want to convert directly to it).
When I plugged in the power supply, the TPS54202DDC popped immediately. I've provided my component selection logic below, have I made any mistakes there? I'll also include a picture of the layout on the PCB, though I'm relatively confident in it.
First, the datasheet for the converter - I'll include some screenshots below explaining my logic that contains excerpts: https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tps54202.pdf
Basic specs:
- Input Voltage: 24V (may not be rock solid, but I'll use a V_in(max) of 25V)
- Output Voltage: ~11V (Just need adequate voltage that an LDO to 9V has plenty of headroom, but isn't burning too much voltage as heat)
- Output Current: ~100mA, I'll spec for ~150mA to be safe.
The datasheet suggests that all of these are well within the range for the selected converter. F_sw comes from the datasheet at ~500kHz. Input Capacitor Selection
$$ \Delta V_{\rm in} = \frac {0.25 \cdot I_{\rm out(max)}} {C_{\rm bulk}\cdot f_{\rm sw}} + \left( I_{\rm out(max)} \cdot {\rm ESR}_{\rm max} \right) \tag{4} $$
I chose a ceramic 10μF 50V capacitor, and a parallel 0.1μF capacitor as recommended by the datasheet. The ESR on ceramics should be basically negligible, so I calculate a \$\Delta V_{\rm in} = 7.5{\rm\,mV}\$, which ought to be plenty small. Bootstrap Capacitor Selection
The datasheet just says 0.1μF, very straightforward. To be safe I kept it 50V tolerant. Output Voltage Set Point
$$ R_3 = \frac {R_2 \cdot V_{\rm ref}} {V_{\rm out}-V_{\rm ref}} \tag{6} $$
$$ V_{\rm out} = V_{\rm ref} \left(\frac{R_2}{R_3} + 1 \right) \tag{7} $$
According to section 6.5, \$V_{\rm ref}\$ can vary from a minimum of 0.581v to a maximum of 0.611v with an expected value of 0.596v. Using the expected value of 0.596v and an R2 value as directed by the datasheet, which states "Select a value of R2 to be approximately 100 kΩ", we get a value of 5.73K for R3 - I selected a 5.76K which should result in \$V_{\rm out} = 10.94V\$ - close enough. Undervoltage Lockout Set Point
Ignored; left EN floating. Inductor Selection
$$ L_{\rm min} = \frac { V_{\rm out} \left(V_{\rm in(max)} - V_{\rm out} \right) } { V_{\rm in(max)} \cdot K_{\rm ind} \cdot I_{\rm out} \cdot f_{\rm sw} } \tag{8} $$
The datasheet tells us to use a \$K_{\rm ind}\$ value between 0.2 and 0.3 - I selected 0.3, as it was what they used in the example (and the text mentioned it was appropriate for low-ESR output capacitors, like I'll be using). Our minimum inductor value is 273μH. If we use slightly more rounded values - 11V for output, 24V for maximum input voltage, and 100mA current, then we get a minimum inductor value of 397μH. The datasheet also says "Smaller or larger inductor values can be used depending on the amount of ripple current the designer wants to allow so long as the other design requirements are met. Larger value inductors have lower AC current and result in lower output voltage ripple. Smaller inductor values increase AC current and output voltage ripple."
Because I want to minimize ripple (I want a very stable output voltage, hence the LDO stage that follows this DC/DC) and due to what I could find, I selected a 470μH inductor. Output Capacitor Selection
$$ C_O > \frac { 2 \cdot \Delta I_{\rm out} } { f_{\rm sw} \cdot \Delta V_{\rm out} } \tag{11} $$
To have at most 100mV of output ripple for a 150mA step, equation 11 tells us we need at least 6μF of output capacitance. In general, more capacitance = less ripple, and I was already using a 22μF capacitor elsewhere on the board so I used it here, too.
This will give us a crossover frequency of 16.4kHz, according to equation 14, which is below the recommended 40kHz. Feed-Forward Capacitor
$$ C_6 = \frac{1}{2\pi\,f_0} \cdot \frac{1}{R_2} \tag{16} $$
We'll also use a 97pF capacitor as feed-forward "To improve the phase boost". I selected 100pF.
After the DC/DC Buck, I use an AMS1117 to drop the voltage to 9V. It has a reference voltage of 1.25V, so for 9V output I used a 120/750 resistor divider, which should provide 9.0625V (close enough for my purpose, so long as it's stable).
I was careful with layout on the PCB to minimize loop area, and came up with this:
Immediately upon plugging in the power supply (confirmed 24V), the TPS54202DDC released the magic blue smoke. Is there anything I've done that's obviously wrong?