I'm debugging an electronic speed controller I designed that uses a 3-phase gate driver, DRV8300DRGER, to control BLDC motors. The circuit is shown here (the 2 other phase aren't shown) with the following component values:
- DT resistor -> 100k (results in ~500ns delay, I'm not complementing the high-side and low-side MOSFETs anyway so there's no worry of shoot-through)
- Gate resistors: 10Ohm
- LS and HS snubbers: R = 10Ohm, C = 10nF (motor operation sounds cleaner with these populated)
- C_bst = 330nF
- C_GVDD = 30uF
My motor is spinning well using open-loop control (I'm speeding up the frequency of the stator gate driver inputs using a MCU, and hoping the rotor can keep up with the stator energizings) but some waveforms do not look as expected. I'm sensing the back EMF, which I'll feed to a comparator to get zero-crossings (for control purposes), but my back EMF waveform doesn't look ideal (I'm expecting it to look trapezoidal). Names of signals are circled in the image.
When I increase the time-scale, I see that the max values of the back EMF (and the other signals) appear sinusoidal.
A zoomed in image of this scope capture is shown below where you can see the motor goes in-and-out of the "trapezoidal behaviour" as shown in my first scope capture.
Some information that could be useful:
- I'm using a PSU that's current-limited to ~5V and 4A. My PSU voltage setpoint is set to 12V. At max speed, the PSU voltage rises to ~6V (due to increased back EMF) but it's still current-limiting.
- The gate driver supply undervoltage lockout (GVDDUV) is listed at ~4.6V and boot strap undervoltage lockout (VBSTx - VSHx) is listed at ~4.2V. The deglitch times to get out of both conditions is listed as ~10us.
Responses to comments/answers
- Back EMF shape with the motor powered by a drill. The drill I used couldn't spin very fast.
- Below I have scope captures of another BLDC motor supplied at 2 different current limits. The 2A current limit case does not exhibit the sinusoidal behaviour, but the 6A current limit case does. Again, when I observe the sinusoidal behaviour, there's instances where the back EMF looks slightly trapezoidal with the spikes previously mentioned, and instances where the back EMF + gate driving signals look very messy.
Questions I have
- What causes the voltage spikes on the back EMF waveform? Is it because the freewheeling diodes of the MOSFETs are conducting during turn on/off?
- What could be a reason the signals in the zoomed-out waveform look sinusoidal?