I have the following circuit:
An input that can go negative (+/-5 V sine wave), and two inverting op-amps. The second op-amp is "current buffered" and is driving the base of a BJT.
Here is a SPICE simulation screenshot:
In practice, for the real circuit, the input should not go negative, but it can if something goes wrong. This is why I am using a sine wave for the input here.
The output (V-output-opa2), has the desired form, it is always positive. This is what I want. However, a less desirable feature here is that the second op-amp goes to the negative rail whenever the input goes negative, because - as I understand it - of the feedback loop including the BJT: the op-amp can't drive its non-inverting input negative because it is tied to ground; it tries though, and therefore it goes to the negative rail!
Q1: Is it a problem? I would like this circuit to work for a long time.
Q2: If it is a problem, I do not see a solution except preventing the input itself from going negative; in that case, how would you do it? Is there any other solution?
For the record, I do not want to tie the emitter to the -12 V power supply, I do not want the output to ever go negative.