I was reading Analog Devices MAX4238ASA+ datasheet, but I didn't find the output current to know which ADC I can put after it.
What is the maximum current in normal use?
I was reading Analog Devices MAX4238ASA+ datasheet, but I didn't find the output current to know which ADC I can put after it.
What is the maximum current in normal use?
The output is characterized in terms of load resistance. See the section "Output Voltage Swing" in the "Electrical Characteristics" table. As long as the load represented by your ADC is greater than 1 kΩ (or 10 kΩ), it will be able to drive the specified output range.
The output is current limited so the usual max current rating is not available.
Two graphs from page five (shown below) indicate how close to the rails that can be achieved based on output current. This information is sufficient to justify a particular load. If approaching the rails to within 150mV, then the maximum output current is 10mA.
There is also a line on the front page that guarantees rail to rail operation for load resistance greater than 1kΩ.