The frequency changes from the AD9833 DDS chip but it has a 0.6V pk to pk and I need it to be 1V to 10V pk to pk this is my circuit so far the goal is to have an adjustable gain please any adjustments will be welcome.
\$\begingroup\$ Is the same circuit as the other question Adding programmable amplitude control to an AD9833-based function generator? \$\endgroup\$– Chester GillonCommented Mar 24 at 22:57
\$\begingroup\$ that was 5V pk to pk the concept is similar \$\endgroup\$– zugCommented Mar 24 at 22:58
\$\begingroup\$ the title does not describe the question ... please correct it \$\endgroup\$– jsotolaCommented Mar 24 at 23:01
1\$\begingroup\$ @zug - You can't have this new question and change your previous question to be asking the same thing. That causes duplication of effort. || I will reverse your previous question to the state when it was answered. Please consider whether you can áccept the answer you got to that question. || In any case, if that question is no longer relevant to you then please edit that question, to make it clear that you don't need more help there. \$\endgroup\$– SamGibson ♦Commented Mar 24 at 23:22
1\$\begingroup\$ @ChesterGillon - Hi, FYI I have reverted that previous question back to the state when it was answered, to prevent it becoming a "chameleon question". This question is now a different circuit to that previous one. \$\endgroup\$– SamGibson ♦Commented Mar 24 at 23:28
1 Answer
You have an inverting amplifier in your design, with R16 = 3.9k . To get a gain above 1 you will need the feedback (optoresistor) value bigger than 3.9k. However, if you check the datasheet for NSL-32SR3, you will find out that even at 0.1mA of input current the photoresistor has the value of about 2k, and no manufacturing data below that are provided,
I would expect that if you reduce R16 to 100R and manage to control the LED current from 2mA down to 0.1mA, you will see some amplification.
Also note that you will need somewhat higher supply voltage to get 10V amplitudes out of it. The standard voltage is usually +-15V, not 10.