I'm designing a 150mmx88mm 4 layer board which has two buck converters, two relays and an Arduino Pro Mini. Maximum current is 4 Amps to drive a LED strip. The rise and fall times of the switcher is 30ns. I guess this board can be considered low/medium frequency. My stackup is Signal/Power - GND - Power - Signal. Now I need to choose prepreg thickness between inner and outer layers.
First of all, what is the default prepreg thickness in JLC PCB? Even though I didn't need controlled impedance I opened controlled impedance page and I'm faced with two free options: JLC04161H-7628 and JLC04161H-3313. The latter has much closer ground and signal plane but low dielectric constant.
Which stackup should I use? Is there any disadvantage of choosing thinner prepreg even for low frequency boards?