I have mounted a STM32F446VETx on my PCB as shown on a picture of my PCB:
For me the pin 1 marker in the big mark at the top right of the picture, near C67.
But, after a lot of trial, I can't connect my ST-Link 3 to it. I checked the SWDIO, SWCLK, NRST and power signals. They are all connected to the right pin of the debugger and the 3V3 is nice and clean. This is the bare minimum to connect the St-Link. But, the ST-Link returns "Reason: No device found on target."
After a lot of digging, including testing my St-Link with another board that uses the same programming connectors, I came to the conclusion that I might have soldered my IC upside down!
Looking at the datasheet of the IC:
It seems that the Pin1 marking might have been the small mark at the bottom left of my picture and not the big one... But I haven't found any mention to some molding artifacts that I should pay attention for. I was confused when I soldered the chip and I may have concluded wrongly that the big fatty mark was the pin 1 marking. I don't know if the text orientation is always consistent with the pin 1 or if both are not related. According to the text orientation, the pin 1 mark is the small mark. unfortunately...
Has anyone worked with that chip before and know which marking is the pin 1 mark ?
Desoldering the IC to rotate it is a pain, and I don't want to do that if it is not needed....