Are there any flash (or other non-volatile) memories with page erase sizes (in terms of address space) that are not a power of two?
I am not interested in old (retro-computing / out of production / one-off custom stuff) memories, but rather stuff that's in production now and available to the public.
With respect to page size I am not intending to include things like ECC bits, but just what shows up in the memory space when you read/write data.
I am also not intending to include auxiliary stuff like page lock bits or extra fields that may be in a memory and happen to be readable/erasable with special commands.
Memories with a total size that is a non-power-of-two size but only supports a full chip erase of the whole memory space also don't count. For example, a small MCU with 196 bytes of flash doesn't count if even if you can only erase the whole thing at once.
Stuff like built in flash memory inside a microcontroller counts. But since I am only concerned about the page size in terms of address space, something like a PIC16 micro with 14-bit instruction words doesn't count if the erasable page size is a power of two worth of 14-bit words.
I have worked with many memories over a couple of decades but have never come across one yet that had non power of two erase page sizes. Usually, it's something like 256 bytes or 4K bytes, 64K bytes, etc.
I am designing a generic flash programming algorithm that may be used for several products and I need to know if odd sizes are common enough that I should support them.