Firstly let me say I'm relatively new to HV, so apologies for any silly mistakes. I made a Slayer Exciter circuit, powerful enough to drive a flyback transformer and make 3mm sparks. The circuit is powered by 12 volts at 0.5 amps, and it uses an unlabeled NPN power transistor in a TO-126 package (sorry, can't provide more details), a 10K resistor, and a 1N4007 diode, connected according to the circuit:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
After some playing around with the arcs from the flyback transformer, I decided that I should connect the setup to a small Tesla coil. I wound a coil around two taped-together-and-secured-with-card felt-tip pens (outdated, see edit). Here is information about the coil:
Diameter: 1cm **outdated, see edit**
Length: 24cm **outdated, see edit**
Secondary: ~250 turns **outdated, see edit**
Primary: 1-10 turns (I tried various configurations) **outdated, see edit**
I managed to pick up a weak ~10MHz signal with my meter, but it cannot light up a neon "grain of wheat" light. Things I tried to troubleshoot:
- Adjust resistor
- Adjust number of primary windings
- Reverse direction of primary coil
- Reverse secondary coil connections (connect the other end)
- Move primary closer to other end of coil
- Reverse primary coil connections
- Attach a top load
- Simulate stray capacitance with small capacitor
I cannot get it to produce any visible arcs, or any effects for that matter, other than registering on my meter. Can anyone please help? What am I doing wrong (sorry for the bad photo)?
EDIT: Following the suggestion that was given in an answer, I rewound the coil for an aspect ratio of approximately 1:3. New coil specs:
Length: 9cm
Diameter: 3cm
Secondary Turns: ~100
Primary Turns: 3
Core material: corrugated card, rolled into a tube
Frequency: Undetectable
outdated picture, see edit