I have integrated a BME680 temperature, pressure and humidity sensor on a PCB with NL27WZ17 Schmitt triggers (U3 & U4), a RT9193-33GB LDO regulator (U1) and a CM1224-04SO ESD diode (D2). I also have 33 Ohms series resistors and 100 Ohms termination resistors.
The system starts reading temperatures at around 20°C which is what two other different temperature sensors just next to it are giving me as well, but the temperature reading from the BME680 increases and stabilizes around 21 or 22°C linearly and systematically over a couple of minutes.
The BME680 sensor is geographically isolated from the ground and +5V planes. Gas measurement is turned off and I have tried triggering the BME680 every 10 seconds and every 60 seconds, with the same result. I have also removed the sensor from its enclosure which has holes anyways, and the result is the same.
Here is the current consumed by each component according to their data sheet:
- BME680 : 3.7 μA at 1 Hz humidity, pressure and temperature
- CM1224-04SO ESD diode: 8uA
- RT9193-33GB: 90uA
- NL27WZ17 Schmitt trigger: 100mA *2
- resistors: Unknown
Unfortunately, I do not own an infrared camera. Do you have an idea what might be causing the +1.5°C rise in temperature? Is it the Schmitt triggers? The termination resistors? Or the diode/LDO regulator? Would I be better off powering the board directly with 3.3V (over 2 meters with 22AWG wire) instead of 5V?
Alternatively, do you see a firmware solution to avoid this overheating and that doesn't involve compensating?