The issue is that my RTC 32.768KHz Crystal is oscillating at ~31.5kHz to 33kHz, depending on Load Capacitor values from troubleshooting. This was verified using the RTC_output signal used for calibration. The RTC_output outputs at 512Hz, and my oscilloscope was measuring between 494Hz to 518Hz (depending on load capacitor).
This puts my RTC at up to 3% inaccuracy, not 20 ppm accuracy as described by the datasheet.
My question is if the large discrepancy is caused by the PCB layout or something else? For example, the GND plane does not fully isolate the circuit and traces on the back side.
The crystal in use is Q13FC13500004 with a Cload value of 12.5pF. Using the formula for C1 and C2 values, I get the following: C1 = C2 = 2 * (Cload - Cstray), with Cstray being 5pF from the MCU datasheet, so I get 15pF. and I have varied C1 and C2 from 15pF to 20pF.
I have also swapped out the crystal being used for one which uses the same Cload value.
MCU used is an STM32G030C8T6
Below is an image of the PCB layout and a screenshot of the RTC_output measurement
For my next revision, both the oscillator circuit AND the traces will be isolated by a GND plane.