I'm working on a project where I aim to measure resistances using an Arduino Uno. I started with two separate voltage dividers, each using a 1 MOhm reference resistor, connected to a common Arduino GND and 5V, and interfaced with Arduino analog inputs 0 and 1.
Problem: With a single voltage divider connected, the readings are as expected (approximately 1 MOhm). When two dividers are connected, I still get correct readings for both.
However, if I disconnect one control resistor R2 (expecting an open circuit, i.e., infinite resistance), the readings are unexpectedly low:
R1: 1.4 MOhm (expected: 1 MOhm)
R2: 4 MOhm (expected: Infinity)
I suspect this issue might be related to using a common GND and 5V. Could the shared power lines be causing interference or leakage currents affecting the readings?
My future aim:
I want to create an array of metal pin pairs to push onto a damp textile, measure resistances, and produce a moisture map of the textile surface. The array looks like this, where each x is a metal pin pair and hence a separate voltage divider:
One solution that comes to mind is to use MOSFETs for each voltage divider and only supply voltage to one voltage divider at a time. This way, if I solve the issue of measuring two resistances at a time (or slightly time-shifted), I can then use a multiplexer to handle multiple analog inputs effectively.