I am trying to create an output layer classifier for a neural network that is implemented on FPGA (in VHDL). The classifier should simply return the array index that contains the largest std_logic_vector
from output_counters
array. Currently the design works simply like in the code snippet below but would like the it to be configurable by generics like the rest of the network. Instead of having two output classes (0 and 1 in this case below), there could be up to 10 output classes. This would be handled by the synthesis tools without the designer having to modify the RTL code. Ideally a flip flop is used for each output class and the classifier will write a '1' to the winner class flip flop.
--- output layer basic classifier -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class_0_winner <= '1' when output_counters(0) > output_counters(1) else '0';
class_1_winner <= '1' when output_counters(1) > output_counters(0) else '0';
Process (clk_i)
if (rising_edge(clk_i)) then
if (rstn_i = '0' or classifier_regs_rst = '1') then
class_0 <= '0';
class_1 <= '0';
elsif (classifier_regs_en = '1') then
class_0 <= class_0_winner;
class_1 <= class_1_winner;
end if;
end if;
end Process;
class_0_o <= class_0;
class_1_o <= class_1;
I created the function shown below to return the array index of the largest std_logic_vector
. The array index can then be used to write to the corresponding output class flip flop. However if two std_logic_vectors
are equal, the classifier will show the first vector to be the highest and will lead to an incorrect classification.
--- finding largest vector ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Process(clk_100MHz, output_counters)
variable max_slv_temp : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable max_index_temp : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
max_slv_temp := "0000";
if (rising_edge(clk_100MHz)) then
for i in 0 to output_counters'length-1 loop
if (rstn_i = '0') then
max_slv_temp := "0000";
max_index_temp := "0000";
elsif (output_counters(i) > max_slv_temp) then
max_slv_temp := output_counters(i);
max_index_temp := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, max_index_temp 'length));
end if;
end loop;
end if;
max_index <= max_index_temp;
end Process;
I could also implement a FSM and comparator which can loop through the array to solve this problem as time is not so much of an issue here (100 cycles would be fine for example), and this would save resources, but would like a solution that does not involve this. How would you folks implement this classifier as a generic-able approach? (By the way, I have the generics already working and there is one for num_outputs