I'm trying to understand how to analyze simple oscillators, and would like to know if my conclusions about the required feedback network are correct:
The simplest way to build an oscillator is with:
- A single transistor amplifier
- A feedback network
where the output of the transistor amplifier is fed back into its input.
Since, according to the Barkhausen criteria, the circuit must have unity loop gain and 0° net phase shift. Since the simplest amplifier (#1) is a common-emitter amplifier, which has a 180° phase shift, we need the feedback network to introduce another 180° phase shift.
Practically speaking, such a feedback network will attenuate. This is okay as long as the amplifier's gain is large enough such that gain * attenuation = 1. So the key requirement is a feedback network with a 180° phase shift.
Consider the feedback network below. The "resistors" aren't really resistors, but rather complex impedances (the symbol for these wasn't available):
We need Vout to equal -k * Vin, for some k > 0 (also, k can't be so small that k*gain < 1). But Vout = Vin * (Z3/[Z2+Z3]). So we need Z3/[Z2+Z3] < 0. Mathematically, this happens if
- Z2 and Z3 are pure reactances, no resistance
- If Z2 is a capacitor, Z3 is an inductor; if Z2 is an inductor, Z3 is a capacitor
- The magnitude of Z3's impedance is greater than Z2
Is the above correct?