Can someone please confirm that these are bidirectional TVS diodes, I cannot find the datasheets for these anywhere, but they look to be them.
1 Answer
The first and the third diodes are Littelfuse parts, as can be seen by the spooning L and F-logo.
For the first one, WE means bidirectional 5V SMA size. Part number SMAJ5.0CA
For the third one,
CZ means bidirectional 51V in SMB size. Part number SMBJ51CA
EDIT: As noted by @Tim Willams, it has a cathode band, so it's not bidirectional, it's unidirectional and that would be SMAJ51A - 51V unidirectional SMA.
(source SMB:
(source SMA:
The second one is a Diodes Inc part (source:
VK means Bidirectional 30V in SMA size. Part number SMAJ30CA (Source:
1\$\begingroup\$ I think they're all SMA, in which case the 3rd is SMAJ51A. It has a line so is unidirectional. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 9, 2024 at 13:02
\$\begingroup\$ @TimWilliams Yeah you're right. Bugger. I had a caveat about the question not giving any info on case size in my first version of the answer. And then I removed it because I assumed the manufacturers used unique codes across all sizes. I'll revisit datasheets and edit it in. \$\endgroup\$– MrGerberCommented Jul 9, 2024 at 13:14