I'm using this MCU from STM2 on a board and the PCB layout is as follows:
I will not use several MCU pins, so they are disconnected as shown above(pin 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 ect.). Also I cannot do any physical change anymore because already ordered the board.
But later, I was wondering about how to treat these unused MCU pins. I came over this question.
In my case, I use STM32CubeIDE to set GPIOs and unused pins are shown in grey colour and when I hover on them it says "Reset_State" as shown below:
I don't know what "Reset_State" does to the pin. What would be the best option to avoid an issue such as EMI in my case? Should I set them as GPIO input or leave as Reset-State in software before flashing?
(As I mentioned I cannot make any physical change to the board.)