I have 3 DC power supplies that can each supply 320 W. Input to these power supplies comes from AC wall power and is gated by an on / off switch.
I have 2 different loads:
- DC 35 V, 22 A
- DC 35 V, 17 A
I only want to power one of the loads at a time.
I was planning to use a SPDT On-On switch between the power supplies and the loads, but from my searches it's hard to find ones rated for DC 35 V, 25 A. I suppose I could use 3 SPDT switches, one for each power supply, but I would like to keep it to one switch.
Is there a smarter, simple way to accomplish powering one of the loads at a time? Or should I try to find a SPDT switch rated for my requirements?
Thank you.