For days I've tried to create a simple led walker using a 555 and 4017 IC, with a 9v battery.
My latest attempt was from the electronics for dummies book:
I'm not using these exact values, instead of a megaOhm potmeter I'm using a 100k resistance for example, and using a polarized capacitator for C1. Doesn't seem to matter for the results, I've tried all kinds of combinations of resistances and capacitators for the 555, getting very slow to very fast output signals. That's not the problem.
The problem is that the 4017 isn't doing anything. It starts up in a weird state where 3 leds are on at the same time, and nothing happens. In this pic I hooked up a led and speakers to see if I get a good signal from the 555 (you can see 3 leds are on, on the right side):
This is without the leds hooked up:
Things I've tried:
- replacing the 4017
- varying the 555 signal speed
- removing the led/speakers from the 555 output so its only connected to the 4017
I'm out of ideas so hopefully someone can help me troubleshoot this.