Here is where the circuit in question lies in relation to the over-all system:
Figure 1 (Above).
Link for above image:
The two MOSFETs form a switch between the nodes [BAT-] & [PACK-]. When both MOSFETs are OFF, the switch is open meaning no current flows, and the voltage at [PACK-] may differ from the voltage at [BAT-]. If both MOSFETs are ON, then the switch is closed, the two nodes are at the same voltage, and current may flow between them in either direction. If only one MOSFET is ON, then the current may only flow in one direction, depending on which MOSFET is ON and which is OFF. If current is flowing then the two nodes are at the same voltage, otherwise if current is not flowing then it is possible for there to be a voltage across the two nodes. This is explained in the image below:
Figure 2 (Above).
Link for above image:
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The problem is that the circuit (chip) used to drive the gate of the MOSFETs is sensitive to negative voltages at its output pins. This chip is the UCC27524, and the explanation in the link you provided (to the ti support page) is correct, specifically this section:
Special precautions must be taken to prevent PACK- negative swings from reaching OUTx pins as the UCC27524 will not handle negative voltages exceeding -3V.
The circuit works as follows: if node [CHG] is low (0V wrt GND) then Q27 is OFF, and Q5 is also OFF (Q5 Vgs is 0V). If node [PACK-] goes negative, then Q5 S-pin follows it, and so does Q5 G-pin (since Q5 has a large capacitance between G & S pins). Q27 pin D also follows this negative voltage (it is connected to Q5 G-pin). However, Q27 is OFF so this voltage does not propagate to Q27 pin S. Q27 D-pin voltage will go more negative than its G-pin, which is OK since it is a P-chan device.
Figure 3 (Above).
Link for above image:
However, the circuit presented in that link is not quite the same as the circuit in question (the circuit given in the TI product code TIDA-010216). Note: I have added a wire to show the connection between the two nodes marked [CHG_D]. The similarities are listed below (ckt in link at left, circuit in question at right):
- Q27 ==> Q19.
- Q5 ==> Q30, in parallel with Q29, Q28, Q27, Q26.
- [CHG] ==> [U5 OUTA].
The differences are highlighted in the image below, specifically, the following components have been added:
R110, D29, D30, R122 (& the 4 Rs to the gates of the other MOSFETs in parallel with Q30), D33, R127, Q33, R131, R134.
Figure 4 (Above).
Link for above image: Sheet 4 of the schematic:
The additional components can be explained as follows:
- R110, R122. There were mentioned in the link to the TI support page (these slow-down the operation of the switch).
- D29, D30: These protect U5 from positive voltages at [PACK-]. They also provide a means to reduce power dissipation (hence reduce battery drain), refer point 4 below.
- R134 is a 1k load at the output of U5 OUTA via Q19 & D29.
- Q33, R131: these turn off the main switch by providing a discharge path for gate-source capacitance of the main MOSFETs (Q26, Q27, Q28, Q29, Q30). This discharge only occurs when U5 OUTA is low; this reverse biases D29, which turns on Q33 via R134, which then becomes a self-sustaining current until Q33 emitter voltage falls to ~0.7V above its collector voltage. Note that Q33 is kept OFF while U5 OUTA is HIGH, since its emitter is more negative than its base. This helps to reduce the power supply current, since this circuit is powered from the battery, & we want to minimise battery discharge.
- D33 (zener) protects MOSFET gates from over-voltage.
- R127 provides a slow-discharge path to keep MOSFETs off when the circuit is not active (ie: when no battery is connected to the circuit).