I am having some confusion regarding the stm32f446xx memory remap feature in the reference manual. The system configuration memory remap is used to change the memory at 0x00000000.
- I am having some confusion whether the boot pins will remap the memory at the address or the SYSCFG memory remap register will remap that as shown:
By except for FMC do they mean the for FMC at 0x00000000 I have to use these bits otherwise I can use these bits or the boot pins. Am I right?
- Also the bootloader cannot be stored in FMC memory NOR/SDRAM so if I set the FMC at that address then how does the bootloader works?
- suppose my bootloader pins are pointing to flash and the bits in this register are to FMC then what will be actually mapped into the address 0x00000000 and which memory will come there.
- Finally I am not able to understand that if my flash is brought at 0x00000000 then what happens to the actual memory address where the flash was initially located at. Will that portion be skipped then?
Kindly help me solve these confusions.