Inspired by the video Fake Op-amps from China, I tried to measure the Offset Voltages of my Op-amps using the voltage follower scheme
Note that I used a voltage divider (R3 and R4) to create a "fake" ground, because I do not have a symmetric voltage source.
When I measure the voltage between A and B with a multimeter, I get quite good results, the voltages are around 100uV. Interestingly, the voltage changes to almost 0uV when I hoover my hand over the assembly (without touching anything). How is this possible?
If I use A' instead of A and B' instead of B, I get something on the order of mV! This is much worse and I wonder why this is possible and which result is the correct one?
Finally, if I connect Vin- directly to Vout, I also get voltages of the order of mV. Does this mean that you should always insert a resistor between Vin- and Vout even in a voltage follower scheme?
EDIT: VCC is 12V, so this would represent +-6V voltage source.