I'm trying to build a linear motor, for which purpose I bought this large permanent magnet. The website claims it has up to "13,500 Gauss", which is 1.35 tesla. However when I put my phone against the magnet I'm measuring about 3 milli tesla. That's orders of magnitude different!
I thought "Perhaps the field strength is dropping off quickly over the distance". But my phone and the magnet were literally touching. Not only that, I tried many different spots against my phone (in case perhaps the Magnetometer was in some odd corner), but the max I could ever measure was 3.5 milli tesla.
So then I thought, "Perhaps the phone's magnetometer is just not designed for this range of magnetic field strength; It's really supposed to be just the a compass, and the earth's magnetic field is around 50 micro tesla". But I don't know. Which one is it?
How accurate is my phone's magnetometer? And how wide is the range in which it is accurate?
(My phone specifically is a moto g(7) plus, but I suspect nearly all phones have the same or a very similar magnetometer)