I have two separate LEDs. Both LEDs have 500 ohm resistor and are powered with 5V. These LEDs are controlled by an MCU. LED anode is connected to VCC and the diode is connected through the resistor directly to a MCU GPIO port capable to drive the LED.
So I have two separate signals that controls LEDs and the VCC. Those are the only things that I can access. I have no access to GND. What I would like to do is a kind of logic that will ensure that only one of those two LEDs can glow. If MCU tries to turn on both LEDs none should glow.
In fact, this is not just a LED but a SSR module (G3MB-202P) with internal photodiode. the SSR controls a 230V AC motor. One SSR spins motor in one direction and second in the other. I just want to protect in case when the MCU will try to spin the motor in both directions as it would damage the motor.
My current approach is depicted below, but it does not seem to work. Could anyone please guide me how to do the logic properly?