A left shift by n bits is the same thing as multiplication by 2^n. This means that left shift can be done without barrel shifter by using a hardware multiplier block. There are plenty of DSP blocks in modern FPGAs. This question is about using hardware multipliers.
That being said, what about right shift? A right shift could be implemented as division by 2^n. However, division hardware is basically out of question. So if we can't use divider, can right shift still be implemented using just a hardware multiplier somehow?
I have to shift 32 bit word by n bits and then concatenate with another 32 bits. The original input is 32 bits but the actual number of valid bits is usually less than 32 and that is why a left shift and OR to concatenate is possible.
So the thing being designed here is a concatenation module. When the word is large enough after conatenation, it shall be pushed into a FIFO.