I'm trying to use a switching regulator (ptr08060w) to step 12V DC down to 2V DC, however it is not achieving this at all (even with no load connected), and is outputting a voltage that varies randomly between 0.6 V -> 1.6 V, sometimes oscillating, sometimes steady at one of the incorrect voltages, sometime is starts to work (outputting a stead 2V), but then stops again after a random time. The voltages at the other pins of the regulator are constant, regardless of whether it is behaving or not.
This is related to my other question, in which the regulator's output was changing only under load, I realized I had wired the op-amp incorrectly, causing the MOSFET to open too much, causing to much current; I fixed this and it worked fine from there until this issue arose.
It's not overheating (at least, it doesn't feel hot at all on my finger), does anyone have any ideas what else could be causing this?
UPDATE: Ok it seems to be working now (I did nothing) but my question still stands
UPDATE 2: nvm it's not working again - perhaps it's a connection problem? this is my first time using a vero board so all my solders are pretty bad :(
Pics of circuit (ik it's bad it was my first time):