I am working on a circuit involving a bridge rectifier, a smoothing capacitor, and a Zener-MOSFET regulator. I need help finding a mathematical representation of line regulation and load regulation of this circuit (ignoring parameters like temperature). Here is the overall circuit diagram:
I have created a small-signal model of the regulator to isolate the output voltage (\$v_o\$) in terms of the input voltage (\$v_i\$). The small-signal model looks like this:
Using this model, I derived the following expression for \$v_o\$: $$ v_o=v_i\frac{\left[g_mR_L(\frac{r_z}{r_z+R_R})+\frac{R_L}{r_o}\right]}{1+\frac{R_L}{r_o}} $$
Here, \$g_m\$ is the transconductance, \$r_z\$ is the Zener resistance, \$R_R\$ is the resistance in series with the Zener diode, \$R_L\$ is the load resistance, and \$r_o\$ is the output resistance of the MOSFET.
My questions are:
Am I on the right track in using this small-signal model to determine the line regulation? I am unsure if the derived expression represents line regulation or just a small-signal representation of the ripple voltage.
How can I use this small-signal model to find the load regulation?
Any guidance or suggestions on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!