I need to measure the voltage from a reference solar panel. We've calibrated a shunt resistor to produce a mV output, and we're using an 8-channel datalogger to record these values.
The solar panel has an internal connection between its solar cells in the array as shown in the image. I cannot remove that internal connection.
Due to this internal connection, the datalogger is unable to read the values correctly because its channels are not independent; the negative pins are all connected. To address this issue, I am considering the use of an INA128 op-amp as a differential amplifier with independent power supplies to isolate the signals. The recorded values are inconsistent, and the gain is not 1 (Rg = NC.)
Any idea what I might be missing here?
I wanted to share my power supply scheme with you. I used two Zener diodes to create a symmetric power supply because I was concerned that it might be the source of the error. As you mentioned, the input voltage has a range, which could indeed be the issue since I am trying to measure a signal between 0 and 35mV.
The datalogger screenshot is below