RT is the total equivalent resistance. The thing is, can you actually turn the resistances for each circuit into a single equivalent resistance? And how?
For c) I see that the two 4 ohm resistances are in parallel so i turned them into their equivalent resistance (Re) of 2 ohm. But then that equivalent resistance (Re) and the 10 ohm resistance are not in neither parallel nor in series (as far as i understand).
I think they're not in series because the node that connects Re and the 10 ohm resistance is also connected to a terminal (which could be connected to anything). And they're also not in parallel cause they're not connected to the same two nodes. So for a) I think i would end up with Re and 10 ohm resistance, not a total equivalent resistance. But I don't know if i'm right.
which could be connected to anything
... it is not connected to anything ... that makes the terminal not part of the circuit because it carries no current \$\endgroup\$