This is the image of the dev board consisting of an Atmega8-16PI chip and an L293D motor driver chips .It was was given to me by a friend and I am really curious on how to use it but I didn't find any way to use it on the internet .
Research: I found out how to program and use an arduino uno from the arduino IDE but those boards have a usb programmer on the board itself which I assume is used to communication between the atmega chip and IDE , but clearly my board does not have a programmer in it but it still has a female usb type b port so that means it has some other ways of communicating with the chip. I tried to use the arduino ide but had no luck.
I ready to use ardude but do not know programmer to specify in the command avrdude -c.
If anyone knows how to use this board please tell me .I am a beginner so please forgive me for any mistake I did.