I am a material science student currently working on a project to build a simple circuit for controlling the speed of a DC motor. My goal is to avoid using motor driver modules by utilizing a MOSFET, as I don't need directional control and want to keep the design as straightforward as possible.
I drew a schematic in Tinkercad.
Here are the details of the components I’m using:
- DC motor: 9-12V, rated current at 12V is 1.23A
- Power supply: 12V variable voltage adapter
- Flyback diode: SR5100 Schottky diode
- Control components: Arduino Uno, potentiometer, pushbutton
- Gate resistor: 100 ohms
I’ve also written the code for the circuit, which I’ve included below.
int potState = 0;
int buttonNew;
int buttonOld = 1;
int buttonDelayTime = 100;
int butPin = 3;
int potPin = A0;
int ledPin = 11;
int pot;
int speed;
float voltage;
int motorPin = 9;
unsigned long lastVoltagePrintTime = 0;
const unsigned long voltagePrintInterval = 100;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(butPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(potPin, INPUT);
pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
buttonNew = digitalRead(butPin);
if (buttonOld==0 && buttonNew == 1){
if (potState == 0){
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
int potValue = analogRead(potPin);
voltage = (5./1023.)*potValue;
speed = map(potValue,0,1023,0,255);
potState = 1;
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin, LOW);
potState = 0;
buttonOld = buttonNew;
if (millis() - lastVoltagePrintTime >= voltagePrintInterval) {
lastVoltagePrintTime = millis();
if (potState == 1) {
int potValue = analogRead(potPin);
voltage = (5. / 1023.) * potValue;
Desired functionality:
I want to control the DC motor. The circuit should only be on when I push the button and the LED lights up. Then I want to control the speed with a potentiometer through the MOSFET to regulate the DC motor speed
Working parts
The LED lights on and off when I push the button, with the motor, when the button is off (MOSFET pin set LOW.) The motor doesn't move and I read 0V in my circuit (I added empty pins in the same column of motor pins across my motor to read with a multimeter.) The potentiometer seems to print voltage between 0 and 5V when I turn it.
Problematic parts and troubleshooting
When I push the button, which should activate the circuit, the motor turns on for a second then off and this repeats constantly ('jerks a little bit', starts turning and stops etc.) Voltmeter readings across my motor show increasing voltage (to 2V) and then goes back to 0. I have a pretty cheap voltmeter with slow response, so, probably this influences the readings in this situation.
If I take out the motor and I try controlling the voltage with the potentiometer I get 11,5V across where the motor would be no matter what I do with the potentiometer and 7V with the button turned off.
I checked all the parts and wires and nothing seems to be broken.
I am not an electrical engineer so this is pretty new to me, this is what I tried troubleshooting and I am trying to be as clear as possible, but if something else is needed I will be more than happy to provide any information.
There has to be an obvious error that I am making somewhere, could someone please point me in the right direction of what I am I doing wrong, what could I do to solve this or if this approach is feasible?
Edit: I tried making a schematic of the circuit here. positive side of the voltage source is connected to the motor (I am not sure if I used a correct symbol here). I tried to draw it to show a common ground per the breadboard schematic, I hope it is correctly shown.
The circuit should only be on when I push the button and the LED lights up.
... that says that the LED somehow controls the circuit and the button also controls the circuit \$\endgroup\$