I made this schematic for a board that will be the brain of a lamp I want to build. The lamp will be able to move in 2D (up-down, front-back) with two motors which are connected via J3. The lamp has LED strips with 5 channels (RGBCCT) which are dimmable via PWM from the ESP and the mosfets. The ESP should be accessible/programmable via the Pinouts for TX/RX via an external UART module. The board has two buttons, similar to dev boards, for reset and boot mode.
I would love to get some input and thoughts on that design before I go to the next step of designing the PCB. I'm worried that I missed something as this is my first self-made circuit.
EDIT 04.08.
Thanks for all the incredible feedback!
Some additional info that seems useful:
The motors I am planning to use are JGA25-370. I tested them on a breadboard by connecting them through the L293D with the ESP. Does that change anything about the comments on that part of the circuit?
The LED strips are RGBCCT (RGB + WW + CW chips). I tested the LED circuit on a breadboard and measured 0.6A for a 60cm strip segment with all channels on (which realistically would never actually be done), with planned 8 segments, I get 4.8A. I plan to use a 60W PSU.
The current sensing I added in order to get some feedback if the motor reached the end of the movement space, so I can automatically turn off the motors.
I already (physically) have a bunch of parts which I bought because I had the feeling they might get useful. I would like to use them if nothing speaks against them. I will address them below.
Addressing feedback:
missing PWR connectors - duh! that would have been a disaster :'D
bulk decoupling capacitors: Right. I read to especially put some right in front of the LED strips. I have here: 470uF/35V and 1000uF/16V (multiple each). would any of these fit? And where would I put them best? directly at the 12V input? And: Do I also add some to 5V? If yes, which?
C1 sizing: The circuit left of the ESP I took from the circuit of the dev-board. I assumed that they are proper and I honestly couldn't say what their function is. Could you explain the function of C1 - C3? Are C1 and C3 maybe to make sure the ESP does not turn of when there is a fluctuation on 3V3 - isn't that what a decoupling capacitors is for?
ACS712 module: that's one of the things I have "in stock". It's very much like this one. I thought of taking off the connectors and connecting it to the main board with pins, yes. Seems makeshift, but I have it here, so I thought it might be fine.
L293D: Wow, good to know! Would you say I should even discard the ones I have here because they are so bad? Maybe some detail: The bridge and motors will be used very rarely and if, only for less than a minute at a time to bring the lamp into the new position. Under these circumstances, would you still say goodby to them? Are they only wasteful during usage or also when they are idle? I will look into your suggestions, though, especially if there is something that combines all these requirements like DRV8411A.
LED circuit pull-down: 45 kΩ I just took because it's what the internal pull-down of the ESP is and I didn't know which number is good, as the internet says 1k to 100k. But 47Ω it is then!
MOSFET sizing: IRL3705 is what I have here, so I guess I will go with them :)
Next Steps:
- I will update the schematic and publish a follow-up post integrating the existing and possibly following feedback.