When adding small indicator LEDs to designs I usually use between 2-10mA so it's bright enough to be seen in daylight. The relative brightness isn't too important as they're only digital indicators.
Is there any big downside of a pre-biased transistor to simplify the MOSFET drive design?
MOSFET package with series resistor on the LED to control current.
This is the basic design initially used.
- This needs different resistors for different colours/Vf.
- The resistors need recalculating if I supply the LEDs from 5V etc.
- It also needs extra parts, space and layout.
Using a Prebiased npn (integrated base resistor)
I have considered using a prebiased npn, PUMH24, instead. It has integrated bias resistors for the same size and cost.
My estimated LED current range is now determined by \$\beta I_B\$. Which varies between \$ 100\times20\times10^-6 = 2mA\$ and \$200\times37\times10^-6 = 7.4mA\$. The 4x range in LED current only really has a apparent dimming effect of about half in my experience.
Current range is very similar with red, yellow, blue LEDs, current doesn't change when supply voltage changes, if base voltage comes from 3.3V MCU.
Possible concern:
- Temp dependence, higher temp will increase \$\beta\$. Although dissipation is low, so runaway not a problem.
- High variability between transistor drivers
Are there any other problems to consider?