I'm trying to replace a wire from my camera's dummy battery from it's PCB -> barrel jack -> USB A cable to just female USB C.
I've got ready made USB-C female to 4 bare conductors cable. I've Soldered Vbus and GND pins to + and - poles on dummy battery PCB and this setup will happily run when powered from very old 5V USB A charger via USB A to C cable, however my newer USB PD charger won't recognize it. Neither my USB C power bank will, with its built-in USB C cable.
Original dummy battery would work via its original USB A -> Barrel Jack -> Dummy battery cable on the new PD power bank.
I've destructively disassembled both the USB A to barrel jack cable and dummy battery itself but I can't see anything that would differ original setup from mine. No circuitry, data pins in the plug not connected to anything, no sign of any other components.
How do I make my cable (which in the end the dummy battery becomes, just + and - on the bare pcb, no other components) be recognized by PD chargers and power banks? I don't need it to supply anything more than 5V 1A.