I am again looking at the operation Figure 11-1 Read Manufacturer and Device ID Signal; however, do note that in the example below, I make no effort to read the MISO
data anywhere on the FPGA - I am simply trying to observe if any data is returned via the physical MISO
pin from the flash device.
For this, I put together a logic-analyzer setup in order to observe in real time the operation - this is how the 'lab' is set-up:
The output of the logic analyzer:
The logic analyzer is connected to the SPI Flash bus as followed:
- (CH1)
- (CH2)
- (CH5)
- (CH6)
For reference, I also posted here about the timings of the SPI operation - the above logic-analyzer output suggests that the input timings are indeed conformant to this.
However, as can be seen there are no changes at all on MISO
. This mirrors the finding of my previous attempt to get a response from MISO
The binary on the FPGA is as followed:
module top (
input clk, // Clock input
output cs, // Chip select signal for SPI
output sck, // Serial clock for SPI
input miso, // Master In Slave Out (data from SPI device)
output mosi // Master Out Slave In (data to SPI device)
// System clock counter and control for delay before starting SPI operation
reg [7:0] clock_counter; // 8-bit clock counter for timing
// SPI-related registers and flags
reg start_flash; // Flag to start SPI flash read operation
reg cs_register, mosi_register, sck_register; // Registers for SPI control signals
assign cs = cs_register; // Assign chip select signal
assign mosi = mosi_register; // Assign MOSI signal
assign sck = sck_register; // Assign SCK signal
// SPI operation counters and opcode
integer OPERATION_LENGTH; // Counter for the length of the SPI operation
integer SI_PULSE; // Counter for outgoing data bits (MOSI)
integer SO_SAMPLE; // Counter for incoming data bits (MISO)
reg [7:0] OPCODE; // 8-bit SPI opcode for the flash memory command
// Initial block to set default/reset states at simulation or reset
initial begin
// Initialize clock and LED states
clock_counter <= 0; // Reset clock counter
// Initialize SPI states
start_flash <= 0; // Don't start SPI flash read yet
// Set default states for SPI signals
sck_register <= 1; // Set SCK to high (idle)
cs_register <= 1; // Set chip select to high (inactive)
mosi_register <= 1; // Set MOSI to high
// Initialize SPI operation variables
OPERATION_LENGTH <= 0; // Initialize operation length counter
SI_PULSE <= 0; // Reset outgoing data bit counter
SO_SAMPLE <= 0; // Reset incoming data bit counter
OPCODE <= 8'b10011111; // Set SPI command (9Fh for "Read ID")
//OPCODE <= 8'h05; // Set SPI command (hex 0000 0101 for "Read Status Register Byte 1")
//OPCODE <= 8'h35; // Set SPI command (hex 0011 0101 for "Read Status Register Byte 2")
// Process to control the clock counter and start SPI operation
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (clock_counter < 10) begin
clock_counter <= clock_counter + 1; // Increment clock counter
end else if (clock_counter == 10) begin
start_flash <= 1; // Start SPI flash read
if (OPERATION_LENGTH == 43) begin
start_flash <= 0; // Stop SPI operation after 43 cycles
clock_counter <= 0; // Reset clock counter
// SPI operation logic on negative clock edge
always @ (negedge clk) begin
if (start_flash == 1) begin
OPERATION_LENGTH <= OPERATION_LENGTH + 1; // Increment SPI operation length
if (OPERATION_LENGTH == 0) begin
cs_register <= 0; // Assert chip select (low)
SI_PULSE <= SI_PULSE + 1; // Increment outgoing bit counter
SI_PULSE <= SI_PULSE + 1; // Continue sending opcode bits
mosi_register <= OPCODE[7-SI_PULSE]; // Send opcode bit by bit (MSB first)
if (OPERATION_LENGTH >= 8 ) begin
SI_PULSE <= 0; // Reset SI_PULSE counter after sending opcode
if (OPERATION_LENGTH == 32) begin
cs_register <= 1; // Deassert chip select (high) after operation
// wait for some time before starting again the operation
if (OPERATION_LENGTH == 42) begin
OPERATION_LENGTH <= 0; // Reset operation length counter
// Clock assignment for the SPI clock (SCK) signal
always @(*) begin
sck_register = clk; // Set SCK to match the system clock
As far as I can tell - I have not made an error implementing this operation. However, the lack of a response from the chip on MISO
would suggest that I have made an error somewhere.
What should I do now?
This is the config file I am using to specify connection between the FPGA pins and the Verilog code:
set_io --warn-no-port clk P7
set_io --warn-no-port cs P13
set_io --warn-no-port sck P12
set_io --warn-no-port miso P11
set_io --warn-no-port mosi M11
From the iceFUN doc - this is how the flash is wired to the FPGA. Weirdly, it does look like the HOLD
and WP
pins are connected via a single FPGA output pin: