20 White Leds, each rated at a nominal voltage of 3.4V and a nominal current of 20mA.
I want to use battery power exclusively. I'd like to use commercially available batteries. So AA, AAA, 9V, etc.
Not really looking to make my circuit any more complicated than a magnetic reed switch, resistors, and the leds themselves.
My two questions are interdependent and so would like to hear your thoughts. 1) best way to wire them series/parallel and combination thereof 2) best battery source for the longest life using common commercially available batteries (includes common commercially available Li-ion batteries (AAA, AA, etc.))
I used a calculator which produced the following results:
ignore V & R values in schematic, the left one was a suggested repeating pattern for the 4.5V source for all 20 leds, the right was suggested for 9V source which repeated for the remaining leds
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab