I'm trying to track a signal coming to my microcontroller, but I ran into an issue where the USB-UART converter only sends the signal from the PC when the UART is not connected to the microcontroller, meaning the converter's RX and TX are just left floating. When I connect RX and TX to the microcontroller, the signal doesn’t appear.
I’m observing the signal with a logic analyzer.
For sending, I'm using the Terminal program and a USB-TTL converter based on the CH340G.
I’ll describe the issue a bit more specifically. I’m sending a message through Terminal using the CH340G, a USB-TTL chip that isn’t connected to anything, with its pins pulled up to +3.3V. When I connect a logic analyzer to the chip, I can clearly see the signal I’m sending through Terminal. However, when I connect the USB-UART to the microcontroller and send a message via Terminal, no signal is generated; the logic analyzer shows nothing.
What could be the problem?
upd1. Here is an USB-TTL converter schematic (source: https://oshwlab.com/makmak19992542/ch340g-usb-to-rs232-ttl-module-schematic_ks by Kritsana Sudlar). I connect pin4 of CON2 to RX of MCU, pin5 of CON2 to TX of MCU. Pin2 connected to pin 3. GND of USB-TTL conv connected to GND of MCU.