I've designed a board that I ordered from JLCPCB. I have traces with 7 mm lowest spacing between them and with voltage of at most 400V AC, 525V peak between them.
The traces couldn't be wider due to ensure proper spacing between them, so to increase the current carrying capability, I exposed the copper and added solder on top.
However, I noticed that due to the large amount of solder, there was also a large amount of yellow flux residue on the board. Can this residue decrease the breakdown voltage between the traces for the voltages and trace widths mentioned to problematic values?
The solder I'm using is lead solder and has these labels: Sn60Pb SW32 2,2%
If this residue is problematic, should I rather use a different solder (if yes, which one please) or clean the residue of this solder? Or is there any better solution?
Also, does wave soldering also leave problematic (although barely visible) residue?