I have the task of designing an 8x8 bit memory in Verilog using CMOS. (orginally asked at Verilog - 8x8 memory unit - wrong value read, but asked to provide more details).
Currently, I have the following:
- Bitcell - takes in signals sel (if its selected), rw (read = 0, write = 1) and input. If sel=0, output is high impedance. If sel=1, it either reads, or writes (and outputs the written value).
- word_8 - Collection of 8 bitcells that also take in sel and rw (forwarded to each cell individually). 8 input and 8 output wires to each bitcell.
- decoder_3to8 - decoder that's supposed to take in an address, and select the word which is supposed to be read.
I'm running a testbench, where I try:
- Write cell 0
- Write cell 1
- Read cell 0
While the write operations work successfully, reading back from cell 0 seems to give me the value from cell 1.
My memory_8x8
module memory_8x8 (
input[2:0] addr,
input[7:0] inp,
input op,
input select,
output[7:0] outp
wire[7:0] selected_cell;
decoder_3to8 decoder(
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin
word_8 word_instance(
My word_8
module word_8 (
input sel,
input rw,
input[7:0] inp,
output[7:0] outp
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin : BITCELLS
bitcell bitcell_instance(
My decoder_3to8
module decoder_3to8 (
input valid,
input[2:0] addr,
output[7:0] sel
wire addr_NOT[2:0];
// Generate NOT addresses
not(addr_NOT[0], addr[0]);
not(addr_NOT[1], addr[1]);
not(addr_NOT[2], addr[2]);
// nb - verilog indexing reverse way - addr[0] corresponds to 00X, addr[2] is MSB
and(sel[0], addr_NOT[2], addr_NOT[1], addr_NOT[0], valid);
and(sel[1], addr_NOT[2], addr_NOT[1], addr[0], valid);
and(sel[2], addr_NOT[2], addr[1], addr_NOT[0], valid);
and(sel[3], addr_NOT[2], addr[1], addr[0], valid);
and(sel[4], addr[2], addr_NOT[1], addr_NOT[0], valid);
and(sel[5], addr[2], addr_NOT[1], addr[0], valid);
and(sel[6], addr[2], addr[1], addr_NOT[0], valid);
and(sel[7], addr[2], addr[1], addr[0], valid);
Testbench for memory_8x8
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module memory_8x8_tb_basic;
reg[2:0] addr;
reg[7:0] inp;
reg op;
reg select;
wire[7:0] outp;
reg[7:0] expected_outp;
integer i;
memory_8x8 uut (
initial begin
$monitor("\tSelected cell: %b", uut.selected_cell);
initial begin
// Initialize inputs
select = 0;
op = 0;
addr = 3'b000;
inp = 8'b00000000;
expected_outp = 8'bXXXXXXXX;
// Stage 0
$display("Test stage 0 - Write to cell 0, write to cell 1, read cell 0\n");
// Write to cell 0
select = 1;
op = 1;
addr = 3'b000;
inp = 8'hAA;
expected_outp = inp;
if (outp !== expected_outp) begin
$display("Write to cell 0 FAILED at time %0t ns: Address %b, Expected %b, Got %b",
$time, addr, expected_outp, outp);
end else begin
$display("Write to cell 0 PASSED at time %0t ns: Address %b, Data %b",
$time, addr, outp);
// Write to cell 1
addr = 3'b001;
inp = 8'hBB;
expected_outp = inp;
if (outp !== expected_outp) begin
$display("Write to cell 1 FAILED at time %0t ns: Address %b, Expected %b, Got %b",
$time, addr, expected_outp, outp);
end else begin
$display("Write to cell 1 PASSED at time %0t ns: Address %b, Data %b",
$time, addr, outp);
// Read cell 0
op = 0;
addr = 3'b000;
expected_outp = 8'hAA;
if (outp !== expected_outp) begin
$display("Read cell 0 FAILED at time %0t ns: Address %b, Expected %b, Got %b",
$time, addr, expected_outp, outp);
end else begin
$display("Read cell 0 PASSED at time %0t ns: Address %b, Data %b",
$time, addr, outp);
select = 0;
// Read cell 2
op = 0;
addr = 3'b001;
expected_outp = 8'hBB;
if (outp !== expected_outp) begin
$display("Read cell 1 FAILED at time %0t ns: Address %b, Expected %b, Got %b",
$time, addr, expected_outp, outp);
end else begin
$display("Read cell 1 PASSED at time %0t ns: Address %b, Data %b",
$time, addr, outp);
This gives the following (unexpected) output:
Selected cell: 00000000
Test stage 0 - Write to cell 0, write to cell 1, read cell 0
Selected cell: 00000001
Write to cell 0 PASSED at time 20000 ns: Address 000, Data 10101010
Selected cell: 00000010
Write to cell 1 PASSED at time 30000 ns: Address 001, Data 10111011
Selected cell: 00000001
Read cell 0 FAILED at time 40000 ns: Address 000, Expected 10101010, Got 10111011
Selected cell: 00000000
Read cell 1 FAILED at time 60000 ns: Address 001, Expected 10111011, Got zzzzzzzz
memory_8x8_tb_basic.v:98: $finish called at 60000 (1ps)