I have written a simple test bench for and gate. My code and test bench was working fine. Now what I want to do is " I am trying to implement a while loop for my cases". I am not getting syntax error but not seeing any output. can any body tell my mistake?.
timescale 1ns / 100ps
int count=0; module and_gate_test;
// Inputs
reg in1_t;
reg in2_t;
// Outputs
wire out_t;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
and_gate and_gate_1 (in1_t,in2_t,out_t);
// Initialize Inputs
//case 0
in1_t <= 0;
in2_t <= 0;
#1 $display ("out_t=%b",out_t);
//case 1
in1_t <= 1;
in2_t <= 1;
#1 $display ("out_t=%b",out_t);
in1_t <= 0;
in2_t <= 1;
#1 $display ("out_t=%b",out_t);
in1_t <= 1;
in2_t <= 0;
#1 $display ("out_t=%b",out_t);
count++; }
// Add stimulus here