I am willing to build an AVR JTAG debugger (I grabbed from here: http://aquaticus.info/jtag) but the circuit uses COM port and it has MAX232 transceiver. My Laptop does not have COM port, so I need a USB-to-Serial cable. My question is, do I have to add the MAX232 circuit if I'm going to use USB-to-Serial cable?
I have done some search and found that some cables are implemented with RS232 transceiver, on the box of my cable they say it supports the RS232 interface... is it the same? (http://www.unitek-products.com/en/product_detail.php?id=12)
If I didn't have to add the MAX232, is it necessary to invert the signals going to MCU? If it is, why?
I am sorry for the long questions, but it is my first time to deal with the RS232. Thank you very much in advance.