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I'm trying to hook up a Zener diode in order to add some measure of protection (fused "crowbar") to a circuit that includes a loop powered oxygen sensor with output read by a GHI Cobra ADC/Analog In. The idea is that if there was a short in the sensor that caused 12V on its output, the Zener with 4.7 V breakdown between the sensor output (and the ADC input) and ground would keep the 12V current away from the ADC long enough for the fuse to blow as the limit on the Cobra pin is 5V.
However, I find that when I put in the Zener diode it drops the voltage being read by the ADC (volt meter right now), e.g., from 4.38 volts to 3.98 volts. When I replace the Zener with a regular diode just to test, the voltage does not drop. What gives? Can a Zener be used for a "crowbar" so it doesn't change the voltage on the sensor output side? The Zener is installed with the ring towards the ADC side. The electronics store said it has a 4.7V breakdown, but I'm not sure how to test that.