I want to control the speed of a motor by using a 2.4 GHz receiver. I regulate the speed by sending an PWM-Info to the motor.
Its working great, if I use an arduiono and lots of wires. But I have to seperate the arduino and the motor, because the motor has to be portable. So I want to use a 2.4GHz transmitter module for arduino to control the motor.
I'd like to use this module, to receive the current frequence from the arduino and forward it to the pwm port: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/152
Is this possible as I imagine it? Is there anything else I need? When I could use an arduino, this would be very easy, but my solution has to be small. The smaller it becomes, the better.
In another scenario I use the arduino to control multiple motors at the same time, each motor has its own receiver. How can I identify the modules, so I can set the frequency for each motor.