A week ago I made a circuit based on a PIC16F877a uC and MAX232 ic for RS232 serial communication between PC and device. I used USB port of my laptop to power the circuit as:
Image source: bharatbalar.wordpress.com
The circuit ran fine but after almost five minutes the MAX232 ic become very hot, I immediately disconnected the circuit from my laptop. Now the problem is that my usb port is not working although it is giving power to other devices, the area where usb port is located always remains hot even when the system is turned off and the battery of laptop completely drains in off state. I tried shorting the Positive and ground pin of USB port but instead of turning off the system a message appeaser on screen showing that the device connected to USB port is exceeding the power limit of its HUB. I visually inspected the motherboard but did not find any damaged/burned component. There are two USB port and both are not working.
What solution do you suggest for this problem?