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I want to wire 6 LEDs together 2.75" apart; I'm using 2V red LEDs. I've also already calculated the resistors I need.
I'm thinking of making 2 separate circuits of 3 LEDS with each having their own 9v battery, if that makes it easier to do rather than 6 LEDS on 1 9v.
What exactly are the steps to get this done using a switch in between as well.
As of now my plan is: ( I Tried drawing a diagram here)
Wire postive end of 9v battery to a switch, then from there connect the switch to the first LED, using copper wire, i'd solder the wire to each consecutive LED, until I have all 6 connected. The from the last LED I'd connect the negative end to a resistor, and finally add a wire connecting the resistor to the negative side of the battery. Would this work?