I have made a board for Arduino that has an DS1307 and an L298P. The board looks that it is working correctly. I have an RGB LED at pins 31, 33, 35 and I try to make them HIGH but the volts that Arduino gives is 1.6 Volts. I do not know if there is any problem with the circuit I think there is one. The circuit is in general free on internet for the 2 of the chips also I saw the datasheet of the chips.
Between Arduino and the board I have an ethernet board.
I used an external power with 10A at 12 volts also the USB cable and the problem is the same. Also before I make this combined board I was using two separate boards one for DS1307 and one for the motor. The RGB LED was working correctly.
The circuit for the motor does not get power from the Arduino, it has an external power supply input so only the ethernet and the DS1307 need Arduino's power in order to work. I will give the schematics and a photo. If there is any solution please help me.
I admit at the schematic there is a mesh at the lines of the RGB but this happened in order to have straight lines at the board.