I am building a bare Arduino project, very basic, and want to make it portable. I need my circuit to run on 5V.
I am new to LiPo batteries and how to manage/use them.
After a lot of online reading and research I found that I need a specific charger to charge a single LiPo cell with USB. I have also found that a LiPo must not be used below a certain voltage. For my application I am not planning on coming near that voltage before recharging, so for the Alpha version of my project I am planning on ignoring a cut-off.
Basically, all I want to know is, would these breakouts work sufficiently for a charger/booster combination circuit? The step-up and the charger. I am buying from a local store so I don't have access to the whole inventory range that e.g. Sparkfun has.
PS: I hope this product-specific post does not violate the SE policy.