While working on a design last night, I had a question pop up.
Is there any risk in bypassing a transistor, with a jumper/switch? Or shorting the Collector and Emitter pins with a wire? Is there a difference if the transistor is on or off?
For example, the transistor will carry a 166 mA load, driven by a 8 mA base current (through Appropriate Base Resistor, omitted in the schematic) to put it into saturation. If I short the collector and emitter pins so the load bypasses the transistor (which means there is no load for the transistor), but still drive the base with that 8mA, Will it overheat or die, or will it simply pass the base current without issue?
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
The switch might be momentary, or it could be left on for hours, if that makes a difference.
Slightly related, would a Mosfet bypassed the same way also have any issues?