I'm currently working on receiving signals from an RC remote. I have used pins A8 to A15 on my Arduino Mega board.
The ports and interrupts are setup with the help of this code:
DDRK = 0b00000000; // Set port A8-A15 to input
PCICR |= (1<<PCIE2); // Enable interrupt on PCMSK2 containing receiver pins
PORTK = 0b11111111;
PCMSK2 = 0b11111111; // Enable all interrupts on receiver pins
Then I have set up an interrupt which finds the pin which interrupted and times the pulse.
// Interrupts whenever a signal is received.
ISR(PCINT2_vect) {
static uint32_t startTime[8];
static uint8_t lastState;
uint8_t mask;
uint8_t changedPin;
mask = PINK ^ lastState;
lastState = PINK;
if(mask & (1 << 0)) changedPin = 0;
if(mask & (1 << 1)) changedPin = 1;
if(mask & (1 << 2)) changedPin = 2;
if(mask & (1 << 3)) changedPin = 3;
if(mask & (1 << 4)) changedPin = 4;
if(mask & (1 << 5)) changedPin = 5;
if(mask & (1 << 6)) changedPin = 6;
if(mask & (1 << 7)) changedPin = 7;
// Check if the changed pin is high
if(lastState & (1 << changedPin)) {
// Start counting if it is
startTime[changedPin] = micros();
} else {
// Save if it has gone down again
rcValue[changedPin] = micros() - startTime[changedPin];
This is actually working really good, except for the part when I connect a total of 4 or more pins.
A8: Working fine
A8 to A9: Working fine
A8 to A10: Working fine
A8 to A11: A9 and A11 working fine, A10 doesn't register any input, A8 jumps up from normal values (1000-2000) to values which are approximately 17000.
My guess is that it may have something to do with the masking and detection of the pin from there, but I have searched all over the almighty internet and it has not given me a clear answer.