I have built the following circuit. I am using a microcontroller via 3 transistors to drive the transformer and applying a 50% duty cycle 15kHz PWM signal.
With 18V applied to the VIN header input, I am not getting the expected (approximately) 9V output, instead I measure 7.2V approximately. When varying the PWM duty cycle I also do not get a variation that I would expect. This led me to check the waveform on the input to the gate transformer, which can be seen below:
After viewing this on the scope, I made a couple of test:
Removed C4 and placed a 1K resistor from the Emitter of Q3 and Q4 to ground. then I observed the output waveform on the scope to be a perfect square wave slightly amplified, as expected.
With C4 back in the circuit, I removed R6 and placed a 1k resistor between pin 6 of the transformer and ground. With this setup the same waveform as in the image above was observed.
I carried out one final test by using the circuit as shown in the schematic, but removed the 18V from the VIN. Then I scoped the gate of the MOSFET, and observed the following waveform.
I believe this is being caused by the transformer as everything points to this from the tests I have made. Is there anyway to reduce this effect with discrete components?
Edit I could not comment on a question (Andy aka thanks for the prompt reply and links) and the criteria for a re-post on this questions was against forum etiquette hence this edit. Just to clarify something, the MOSFET I am using is a logic level MOSFET. I have used this successfully with a similar circuit but as a boost converter.
Would this circuit (image below) on the secondary side help reduce the noise I am seeing?