Here's a circuit:
As you see there's a dependant source, 0.01Vx, depending on Vx, the voltage at the resistor of 150 ohm.
I don't exactly know how to handle this circuit properly. The presence of the dependant voltage source bugs me. I wan't to find Ia. Vs and Vab are undefined - I want only to expressions in terms of relations to Vs and Vab. I also want to know how to apply nodal analysis correctly.
I don't get how to apply properly KCL at the node 2.
First, I apply nodal analysis. I define node 3 as the 0 voltage node (ground). Voltage at node 1 is Vx.
I end up with these equations:
\begin{equation} \left[ \frac{1}{25} + \frac{1}{150} + \frac{1}{50} \right] \cdot Vx = \frac{Vs}{25} - \frac{0.01Vx}{50} + \frac{Vab}{50} \end{equation}
First, is that correct?
Second, applying KCL bugs me. As said, the dependant source confuses me. I basically must find the current between node1 and node2 and apply KCL. But... The dependant voltage source... does it add another current? I would maybe try: \begin{equation} I_{a} = -\frac{0.01\cdot Vx}{50} + \frac{Vab}{50} \end{equation}
But I'm not sure if Vab must be accounted in the KCL or not. I get headaches thinking about it.
Could you help?
Thank you!